Can you of course growth your fertility with food? Since some nutrients in our food are great fertility boosters the sass is definitely "yes." Here's just a taste of some super fertility nutrients:
Essential Fatty Acids - Efa's, as they're known for short, are of course considerable for ovulation. It's of course somewhat hard to get all of the Efa's you need in good balance. Eating fish and taking a fish oil supplement are good ways to make sure you're getting them.
Spectrum Flaxseed Oil
There are also vegetable sources of Efa's like flax oil and evening primrose oil. These can be enjoyed in moderation - especially flax oil. You can get flax oil in the bottle. Store it in your fridge and add drizzle a diminutive over your salads. Do Not heat flax oil! You can also eat flax seeds over your oatmeal or salads
How to increase Fertility With Foods
Di-indolylmethane (Dim) - This nutrient is found in cruciferous veggies. It increases estradiol levels in your body. Estradiol is an estrogen and the customary estrogen in your reproductive cycle. Good levels of it are leading to ovulation. Broccoli and other leafy green veggies are your best source. Eat them with fat (butter or a hollandaise sauce for instance) to best suck in the nutrient.
Vitamin A - Vitamin A has unfairly been shied away from by women of childbearing age for years because of faulty studies. It's of course a shame because new, landmark studies have shown that Vitamin A is not only considerable to your fertility, it also helps protect from birth defects, premature birth, and it helps mothers assert a high supply of nourishing breastmilk.
You have probably been told that you can get Vitamin A from vegetables. This isn't of course true. You get Beta Carotene from vegetables. Some people - only some - can change beta carotene into Vitamin A in their bodies. Those who have health problems - along with infertility - may not be able to make this conversion.
So it's best to eat beta carotene rich veggies because they're good for you in dozens of other ways - but to get Vitamin A, look at animal foods. Liver and other organ meats, butter, and cod liver oil are rich in Vitamin A. The late Dr. Brewer, an specialist in cusine for women of childbearing age, recommended his patients have liver once a week. If you pick to eat liver please make sure it's from organic, grass-fed or pastured animals.
B Vitamins - the B vitamin spectrum is helpful for so many separate health issues and it's a potent fertility booster. Be sure that you're getting a full spectrum of B vitamins in each day. Meats and eggs are rich in the B vitamins. Beans are also a good supply. Beans can supply iron, too. Cook your beans into a tasty chili with ground beef and tomato sauce to greatly enhance the absorption of iron and B Vitamins. The tomato sauce of course enhances the vitamins and iron.
Zinc - foods high in zinc have been gathered for fertility foods throughout human history. Shellfish are the best source of zinc. Meat and dairy products also offer zinc. And pumpkin seeds are surprisingly high in the nutrient.
Zinc is very good for your fertility, but it's especially leading for male fertility. Make sure your man is getting lots of zinc rich foods in his diet!
Vitamin C - here's someone else male fertility booster. Vitamin C is leading for everyone, but having good levels of vitamin C greatly enhances sperm health. Time honored Vitamin C foods like citrus fruits and strawberries are a delightful treat.
These are just a few examples of nutrients found in food that are vital to your fertility. It's worth exploring more foods you can of course add to your diet and boost your fertility at the same time!
How to increase Fertility With Foods
How to Naturally accord with Candida Albicans (yeast) Moderate-High, iChange Nutritionist Linda Miner Tube. Duration : 8.50 Mins. iChange Registered Nutritionist Linda Miner explains how to naturally manage Candida Albicans with products such as probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano
Tags: probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano, ichange, registered nutritionist, Linda Miner
Activating your metabolism can be challenging for some as there is a lot of information regarding diet and nutrition that can be misleading or false. With all of the diet fads advertised by companies claiming that you will get the beach body of your dreams in 10 days, it is hard to know what to believe.
Sometimes it is best to stick to the basics and eat natural foods that you can pick up at your local grocery store. Making things as simple as possible can be the easiest and most efficient solution to getting a lean body! With that being said, I will give you 5 fat burning foods to consider next time you are at the grocery store.
Spectrum Flaxseed Oil
Fat Burning Food #1: Salmon
Top 5 Fat Burning Foods to Accelerate Your Metabolism
This type of fish is great for burning fat as it is high in protein, and best of all, rich in Omega-3 essential fatty acids. Essential means that it cannot be produced naturally in the body so in order to get it you must obtain these fats through your diet. It also has a good ratio of saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which makes it well balanced.
Another health benefit of this combination is that it reduces the risk of joint inflammation. In addition, these fats help our immune and circulatory systems.
Fat Burning Food #2: Oatmeal
My personal choice for breakfast is oatmeal. This food not only tastes great but can really help boost your metabolism.
Oatmeal contains good fats and it is a source of low glycemic carbohydrates. Low glycemic carbohydrates are crucial for helping to incinerate your belly fat as they give you time released energy and help you to store glycogen.
In addition, they are high in insoluble and soluble fibers. Soluble Fibers allow sugars to be released at a slower rate and help to bind fatty acids. It can even lower cholesterol and LDL cholesterol which is the bad cholesterol. Insoluble Fibers help to move food through your intestines.
I even mix my oatmeal with protein to make some unique recipes that have added a great variety to my diet.
Fat Burning Food #3: Vegetables
A fact that many people do not know about vegetables is the negative calories that they contain. It takes more calories to digest the vegetables than the calories that they provide you with. The reason for this is because of the high fiber content; it takes calories to process so much fiber; so many that the body ends up burning more calories than what it gets from this food source.
Fat Burning Food #4: Nuts
A great addition and snack that can be added to your diet is nuts such as cashews, almonds and walnuts. If you do not go crazy overeating nuts, you can benefit from eating them.
Not only are nuts high in fiber and contain good fats, but they also are high in antioxidants such as vitamin E and selenium.
A good approach to use when eating nuts is to consume around 1-2 ounces at most. Using this approach will prevent you from overeating fats and enable you to get the right combination of good fats to help you blast your belly fat away.
Fat Burning Food #5: Flax Seed & Fish Oils
Flaxseed and fish oils are great food supplements for anybody to take. These oils contain omega-3 fatty acids which help to speed up your metabolism.
These oils help to reduce body fat and thus they are a great supplement to add to any fat burning diet. The Omega 3s these oils contain can also help reduce soreness after workouts and act as an anti-catabolic agent. Using these oils allow your body to maintain its strength levels while losing body fat. In addition, they give your body a good source of natural energy and help to maintain triglyceride/cholesterol levels. These oils should be taken upon wakening and before bedtime.
Make sure that you do not use these oils for cooking as they are both light and heat sensitive. In addition, keep them refrigerated after opening them.
The brands I like to use because of their high quality are Spectrum Flax Seed Oil and Carlson's Lemon Flavored Fish oils!
Top 5 Fat Burning Foods to Accelerate Your Metabolism
How to Naturally accord with Candida Albicans (yeast) Moderate-High, iChange Nutritionist Linda Miner Tube. Duration : 8.50 Mins. iChange Registered Nutritionist Linda Miner explains how to naturally manage Candida Albicans with products such as probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano
Keywords: probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano, ichange, registered nutritionist, Linda Miner
Heart disease is the No.1 killer of men and women despite the advances in medicine. In fact some might argue that our advances in medicine have overshadowed common sense and may even be contributing to the mortality rate.
Heart health supplements and some important lifestyle changes offer promise for people in the prevention of heart disease and heart attack, and for the support of the heart and cardiovascular system if you have heart disease or have had a heart attack.
Spectrum Flaxseed Oil
Essential fatty acid supplements along with correct nutrition and some lifestyle changes may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease - so says the FDA following a recent petition from a number of health companies.
Heart Attack - Prevention is Better Than Cure and Heart Health Supplements Play a Big Role
Heart disease and heart attacks are the result of a number of problems and understanding the causes makes you better equipped to put some prevention strategies in place.
Arteriosclerosis - Hardening of the Arteries
Hardening of the arteries can occur as the result of a mineral deficiency, particularly magnesium - which then causes calcium to build up on the walls of the arteries. This will usually occur in the major arteries - particularly the aorta and other major arteries of the heart.
Excess Vitamin D (more than 400IU - international units) in the diet should be avoided as an adult, as this is another cause of the calcium build up.
Symptoms include angina, headaches, loss of memory, breathlessness and leg cramps in the early stages.
If you have high cholesterol then the cholesterol may be deposited in the arteries and you eventually get a blockage. This will lead to a classic heart attack (myocardial infarction) when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted.
Diet and Lifestyle adjustments
If you have arteriosclerosis you should:
o Avoid fried foods, hydrogenated oils and margarine (the 'bad fats' - also see section on cholesterol).
o Have a high fibre diet low in animal fat.
o Exercise, as this can help improve the 'muscle tone' of your arteries.
o Reduce your stress level - this will help lower blood pressure and your heart rate.
Recommended Heart Health Supplements for Arteriosclerosis:
o Plant derived liquid minerals contain a broad spectrum of over 70 minerals involved in a healthy cardiovascular system.
o Heart health supplements should contain herbs such as Ginkgo, Hawthorn, Garlic and CoenzymeQ-10 - these have been known to help support the arteries, prevent the build up of deposits on the arterial wall and assist with blood flow.
o An essential fatty acid supplement containing omega 3 fish oil and flaxseed oil is the ideal heart health supplement. It works by making the blood less 'sticky' and help reduce cholesterol by raising HDL (good cholesterol) levels and lowering LDL (bad cholesterol).
o High quality multivitamins - should contain all of the nutrients mentioned above and additional antioxidant vitamins A, C and E
Cardiomyopathy Heart Disease
Cardiomyopathy (also called Keshan disease) is recognized by the World Health Organization as a Selenium deficiency disease. It occurs in a number of cystic fibrosis patients and diagnosis is made from an ECG and an x-ray or CAT scan showing an enlarged heart.
As the disease develops it causes severe fatigue and damage to the heart muscle. A heart transplant is one alternative offered by conventional medicine.
Known as "white muscle disease" in cattle, sheep and horses - this disease has been eliminated by the veterinary industry through simple and effective supplementation of selenium.
Compare that to a 0,000 US heart transplant operation!
Former world champion boxer Evander Holyfield was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy heart disease and banned from boxing for a year. His doctor put him on a supplement program including selenium and he was able to return to the sport...and the rest is history.
Recommended heart heath supplements for Cardiomyopathy Heart Disease:
o Plant derived colloidal minerals containing selenium.
o A good selenium supplement also high in Vitamins A, C & E - consult your health care professional regarding therapeutic dosage.
o Essential fatty acid supplements including omega 3 fish oil and flaxseed oil are important for blood flow.
o Current research indicates that heart health supplements with Coenzyme Q-10 may be of benefit to patients with Cardiomyopathy heart disease.
Heart Attack - Cardiovascular Disease
Every year over one and a half million people in the U.S. alone suffer a heart attack - and one in three die from them.
The heart picks up oxygenated blood from the lungs via the coronary arteries and then pumps it around the body.
If the blood flow through the coronary arteries is restricted either through a blood clot or a build up of cholesterol, then the blood flow to the heart can be cut off and if it isn't restored within a few minutes then the heart muscle can be damaged (if the blood flow to the brain is interrupted, then you have a stroke).
In this instance, prevention is crucial and heart health supplements and doing things which are good for your heart and cardiovascular system are very important.
Diet and Lifestyle Treatment
o Avoid fried foods and margarine - use butter and extra virgin olive oil on low heat when cooking.
o Have a high fibre diet low in animal fat.
o Exercise regularly as this can help improve the 'muscle tone' of your arteries - a 30-minute walk or a swim each day is enough.
o Reduce stress - research clearly shows that enzymes and hormones associated with stress will cause an increase in your heart rate and increased blood pressure - not good if you're at risk of a heart attack.
o Work closely with your health care professional
Recommended Heart Health Supplements for Cardiovascular Disease
o Supplementation with essential fatty acids containing fish oil is an absolute must. They keep the blood flowing by making it 'less sticky' and because they are "good fats" they assist with reducing cholesterol.
o Antioxidant supplements containing Selenium, Vitamin E and Vitamin C have a protective function for the heart.
o Heart health supplements containing Coenzyme Q-10, (which is produced naturally within the body) have the ability to improve and strengthen cardiac function and should also be considered.
o Digestive enzymes along with Plant Derived Minerals may be beneficial for many people with heart problems - particularly as we get over 40 - as this ensures that you are able to get adequate nutrients to assist you on the road to recovery.
Cardiac Arrhythmia
Cardiac Arrhythmias such as an irregular or very fast heart rate are very common and kill more people each year than heart attacks. In an emergency situation, the heart stops pumping blood and can be returned to normal function by 'shocking' the patient.
Food allergies, such as sensitivity to MSG, and deficiencies of the minerals and nutrients important for the contraction and relaxation of the heart are associated with this disease
Diet and Lifestyle Treatment
o Check to see if you have a food allergy to MSG, sugar etc and avoid the offending foods. Dr Wallach sometimes refers to this as the 'Chinese restaurant syndrome'.
Recommended Heart Health Supplements Cardiac Arrhythmia
o Plant Derived Minerals - supplementation with a good source of highly absorbable minerals including potassium, chromium, selenium and magnesium is important; plant derived minerals are 100% safe, 98% absorbable and contain over 70 different minerals in liquid form.
o Look for heart health supplements with Coenzyme Q-10 and B complex vitamins.
In summary, the terms heart attack and heart disease can encompass a number of different health challenges however there are some common factors involved in support through health supplements:
1. A small and regular amount of exercise and a lot of stress reduction is very important
2. Avoid fried foods, margarine and "bad fats" - check out the website below for free health reports on healthy eating, reducing cholesterol, heart health and more.
3. Heart health supplements which include essential fatty acids, plant derived colloidal minerals and antioxidants - particularly Vitamins A, C, E and the mineral Selenium - may offer promising results.
Heart Attack - Prevention is Better Than Cure and Heart Health Supplements Play a Big Role
How to Naturally accord with Candida Albicans (yeast) Moderate-High, iChange Nutritionist Linda Miner Tube. Duration : 8.50 Mins. iChange Registered Nutritionist Linda Miner explains how to naturally manage Candida Albicans with products such as probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano
Keywords: probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano, ichange, registered nutritionist, Linda Miner
Normal Penis Girth | A Wide Spectrum | Things Which Effect Penis Girth
A Wide Spectrum
Spectrum Flaxseed Oil
In all the studies done to measure men's penis girth the normal or average penis girth has been found to be about the same. So, if we combine all the studies we'll see that normal penis girth is about 4.75 inches around.
What is Normal Penis Girth?
You can measure yours by taking a tape measure and folding it around your penis. Don't cheat now. How do you stack up? A lot of men are slightly smaller and a lot of men are slightly bigger than this.
Most men fall in between 4.5 inches and 5.5 inches. So, there you go, you now know how you stack up against everyone else. How does that knowledge make you feel?
Maybe you're not satisfied with your 4.75 or 5.25 inches, maybe you want to be well endowed?
Factors Which Effect Penis Girth
First of all, smoking shrinks girth and length down. So, if you smoke, in a way you're in luck, because all you have to do is quit and you'll automatically get bigger within a few weeks. Guaranteed.
Diet also has huge effects. Eating a combination of: garlic, onions, ginger, cayenne pepper, hawthorne berries, blueberries, salmon, fish oils, flax oils, and l-arginine greatly increases blood blow. High fat meals, coffee, and too little protein with shrink us down.
Exercise is super important, with the emphasis actually being on cardiovascular health rather than big muscles. I personally know guys that gained girth and length by just taking up a running program 4 days a week. Stick with it.
Don't binge drink. I'm not saying don't go out and have fun, just curtail your partying. Oh and drug abuse with cocaine or other drugs is just about the worst thing you can do for your penis size. Normal Penis Girth | Growing Even Larger In Girth & Length
I'm sure you're heard this before but a man's penis girth is much more important to a woman's sexual satisfaction that his length. Being too long causes cervix pain but you can almost never be too big around.
Being larger that 5.5 to 6.0 inches around gives a women a hugely satisfying "filled up" feeling as well as better massaging her all important G-spot. Being big goes a long way toward much better sex.
In order to grow much larger than diet and physical exercise can take us we need to add a series of manual hand exercises.
Now, I'm not talking about some crappy routine you found for free on the internet, no, I'm talking about a proven and scientifically unique set of special exercises. Please choose your program wisely.
In my opinion, hand exercises are the most effective choice for male enlargement. Pumps, weights, and pills are dangerous and you can get caught very easily.
With hand exercises that take around 10 minutes a day you're in and out of the bathroom before anyone can catch on.
And, in combination with your cardio exercise and the diet tricks I've shared with you, you'll be just simply packing on gains within weeks.
You'll do in weeks what takes others months, soon your penis won't look or feel like your own anymore.
It's surreal. But it's very healthy. Once you get to that point where you can feel and hear the difference in your girlfriend during sex you'll be absolutely addicted to gaining more and more.
What is Normal Penis Girth?
How to Naturally accord with Candida Albicans (yeast) Moderate-High, iChange Nutritionist Linda Miner Video Clips. Duration : 8.50 Mins. iChange Registered Nutritionist Linda Miner explains how to naturally manage Candida Albicans with products such as probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano
Keywords: probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano, ichange, registered nutritionist, Linda Miner
So you have heard a great deal about the enormous health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Indeed, there is overwhelming evidence supporting these claims. But what are omega-3s in the first place?
Omega-3 fatty acids consist of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). The magic source of omega-3s is the fat of cold water fish such as salmon, sardines, herrings, mackerel, black cod, and bluefish. Omega-3s are essential for our bodies to function normally. Since we cannot produce them internally, they have to be consumed through diet or supplementation.
Spectrum Flaxseed Oil
There is much confusion when it comes to choosing the best fish to eat or buying a good omega-3s supplement. Can you take flax oil to get your omega-3s? Or should you be taking an omega 3-6-9 blend instead? Read on to find the answers.
How To Choose Your Omega-3s?
Omega-3s Health Benefits
Omega-3 fatty acids (DHA and EPA) are the building blocks for hormones that control immune function, blood clotting, cell growth as well as components of cell membranes. Omega-3s are crucial to human health because they are potent inflammation suppressors and inflammation is the cause of most chronic degenerative diseases.
Unfortunately, modern day diet is way too low in omega-3s and too high in omega-6s, which tend to promote inflammation. Omega-6s are found abundantly in seeds and nuts and refined vegetable oils made from canola, corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower. Most processed foods, fast foods, and restaurant foods are prepared with these refined oils.
Although our bodies need some omega-6s for proper functioning, too much omega-6s contribute to inflammation. The more omega-6s you eat, the more omega-3s you need to maintain optimal health. It is now well understood that a deficiency of omega-3s leads to many diseases and disorders, many of which improve when omega-3s supplementation is used. These include:
Arthritis (osteo- and rheumatoid)
Immune disorders
Brain disorders (depression, anxiety, mood swings, bipolar disorder, postpartum depression, Alzheimer's, ADHD, and ADD)
Cancer (breast, prostate, testicular, and ovarian)
Crohn's disease and inflammatory bowel disorders
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Premature birth and low birth weight
Skin disorders (acne and psoriasis)
Getting Your Omega-3s From Fish
Fish like tuna, mackerel, lake trout, salmon, anchovies, herrings, and sardines have the highest concentration of omega-3s. Unfortunately, most fish, especially the larger ones, are heavily contaminated with mercury.
Mercury can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system of people of all ages. It is especially toxic to unborn babies and young children.
Therefore, the only recommended fish for regular consumption are wild-caught Alaskan salmon (not the farmed salmon), anchovies, herrings, and sardines. If you want to get your omega-3s from eating fish, make sure the fish is a wild-caught, non-threatened specie that is low on the food chain and came from pristine, clean waters; otherwise, you may run the risk of mercury poisoning in the long-run.
Aside from seafood, another option is to eat meats from grass-fed animals. Studies show that grass-fed beef contains omega-3s in 7% of its fat, versus just 1% in grain or corn-fed beef.
Is Flax A Good Source Of Omega-3s?
Many vegetarians prefer to consume flax to get their omega-3s. Flax seed contains ALA (alpha linolenic acid), a precursor to EPA and DHA in omega-3s, which means the body has to convert the ALA to make EPA and DHA.
Though flax seed is omega-3-rich, in reality, the biological effects of ALA is not equivalent to the omega-3s found in fish oil. Many people, especially vegans and those who are not in good health, are not efficient in the conversion. This results in excess levels of ALA in the body, which may not be beneficial. Therefore, flax should not be consumed in excess.
What's more, flax seed oil goes rancid easily and has to be stored in opaque, airtight containers in the refrigerator. You should only buy cold-pressed, unrefined flax oil and it should never be used in cooking. If the oil has a noticeable odor, it has probably turned bad and should be discarded.
In short, unless you have an allergy to fish, it is much preferable to consume the omega-3s from fish oil. If you are a vegan, there are DHA supplements derived from algae. However, you should also pair it with flax to get the ALA and EPA.
How To Look For A Quality Fish Oil Supplement
Be aware that taking fish oil supplements over a long period of time may cause a deficiency in vitamin E. Therefore, most fish oil supplements include extra amounts of vitamin E (alpha-tocopherols).
You should not take cod liver oil for two reasons. First, the fish's liver is the filter for the body and may contain higher levels of toxins such as PCBs, dioxins, and heavy metals. Second, cod liver oil contains excessive vitamin A which can lead to toxicity if taken in excess.
It is important that the supplements are derived from fish that are not contaminated with mercury and are naturally high in DHA and EPA omega-3s. A good supplement will usually disclose the types of fish being used. It should state that it has been purified or molecularly distilled to remove potential contaminants.
It is not worthwhile to buy an omega-3-6-9 blend. As stated above, we get plenty of omega-6s in our diet. Unless your diet is extremely low in fat, it is not necessary to supplement with omega-6s. Omega-9s are found most abundantly in olive oil and our bodies can also make them. Therefore, it will be more economical to spend your money on a supplement that has a higher concentration of DHA and EPA per serving.
The supplement should not have any fillers and junk ingredients. Make sure it doesn't have a long list of ingredients. If an ingredient looks foreign or you can't pronounce the name, it's probably not good. Do not buy a supplement that contains soybean, safflower, or sunflower oil.
Recommendations. Here are three omega-3s supplements that fit the above requirements - Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega, Carlson Labs Super Omega-3 Gems, and Spectrum Essentials. (Author is not associated with any of these manufacturers.)
How To Choose Your Omega-3s?
How to Naturally accord with Candida Albicans (yeast) Moderate-High, iChange Nutritionist Linda Miner Video Clips. Duration : 8.50 Mins. iChange Registered Nutritionist Linda Miner explains how to naturally manage Candida Albicans with products such as probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano
Tags: probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano, ichange, registered nutritionist, Linda Miner
A key component of the formula for bodybuilding success is nutrition. Nutrition is what gives us the raw materials for recuperation, energy, and growth. Without a good diet, your dreams of achieving your ideal body will never be reached.
Spectrum Flaxseed Oil
In this article I'll discuss the characteristics of a good bodybuilding diet and also cover the macronutrients that we need on a daily basis, as well as how much, in order to gain muscle and lose fat.
Bodybuilding Diet and Nutrition Advice - Bodybuilding Nutrition and Diet Basics
Characteristics of a Good Nutrition Program
1) It should favor smaller and frequent feedings throughout the day instead of large and infrequent ones. Why? Because when you feed your body several times a day, your metabolism increases. Therefore, you burn more fat. Frequent feedings are of particular importance since after three to four hours of no food your body switches to a catabolic state (a state in which you lose muscle and gain fat!).
The body believes that it is starving and it starts feeding itself on lean muscle tissue and it prepares to store calories as fat. Bad scenario! Therefore, in order for your program to work, you will eat between four to six meals (depending gender and goals) a day spaced out at 2 to 3 hour intervals.
2)Every meal should have carbohydrates, protein and fat in the correct ratios. Having a meal that is not balanced (for example is all carbohydrates) won't yield the desired results. Every macronutrient has to be present in order for the body to absorb them and use them properly. Without boring you with the effect of food on the body's biochemistry, let's just say that if you only eat carbohydrates in one meal without anything else, your energy levels will crash in about 30 minutes and your body will be storing any carbohydrates that were not used into fat. Conversely, if you only eat protein, you will lack energy and your body will not be able to turn the protein into muscle because it is difficult for the body to absorb protein in the absence of carbohydrates. In addition, the ratios for each particular macronutrient have to be correct in order to get the results that you want. The ratio of our diet will look like the following:
40% Carbohydrates
40% Protein
20% Fats
Note that for every serving of carbohydrates, you get a serving of Protein. You can use Bill Phillips' Method of creating meals which is to count a portion of carbohydrates as the amount of food the size of your clenched fist and a portion of protein as the amount of food the size of your open palms.
3) The calories should be cycled. I strongly believe in caloric cycling as this will not allow the metabolism to get used to a certain caloric level; something that leads to stagnant results.
Therefore, bodybuilders in search of just muscle mass should follow 5 days of high calories (lean body mass x 15) with two days of lower caloric intake (lean body mass x12). Bodybuilders in search of losing fat while building muscle at the same time should follow 5 days of lower caloric intake (lean body mass x12) with 2 days of higher calories (lean body mass x 15).
Note: If you build muscle and lose fat at the same time you will not gain muscle as fast as you would if you just concentrated in muscle mass. However, you get to get both goals accomplished at the same time.
People interested in body sculpting (which is moderate muscle building with enough fat loss to go down to 10% body fat for males and 12-13% for women) should alternate between two weeks of lower calories (around 2000 for men and 1200 for women) and two weeks of higher calories (around 2500 for men and 1500 for women). These caloric intakes assume a normal activity level that only includes body sculpting training. Those of you involved in activities like marathon running or heavy physical labor jobs need to adjust your calories upwards accordingly mainly in the form of carbohydrates in order to support your higher levels of activity.
What's a Diet?
While the word "diet" brings these images of pain and starvation to most people's mind, a diet is simply the food choices that you make on a daily basis. So if you eat potato chips and sodas all day long, that is your diet.
Regardless of which diet you follow, there are 3 macronutrients that are present in one way or the other in all of them. Understanding what role these nutrients play, how to obtain them, and how much to consume of them on a daily basis will lead you to the bodybuilding and fitness results you have been looking for.
Bodybuilding Nutrition Basics
There are 3 macronutrients that the human body needs in order to function properly. These macronutrients make up your bodybuilding and/or fitness diet.
1) Carbohydrates:
Carbohydrates are your body's main source of energy. When you ingest carbohydrates your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin is very important because:
A) On a very simplistic level, it takes the carbohydrates and either stores them in the muscle or stores them as fat (assuming that the carbohydrates are not needed for energy at the moment and assuming that both the muscles and the liver stores are full).
B) It takes the amino acids (protein) and delivers them inside the muscle cell for recovery and repair.
Most people that are overweight and are in low fat/high carbohydrate diets got into that condition because they are eating an overabundance of carbohydrates. Too many carbohydrates cause a huge release of insulin. When there is too much insulin in the body, your body turns into a fat storing machine.
Therefore, it is important that we eat no more carbohydrates than necessary and that we eat the right amount of carbohydrates.
Now that we have talked about the importance of having just the right amount of carbohydrates, let's talk about which are the best sources of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are divided into complex carbohydrates and simple carbohydrates. The complex carbohydrates give you sustained energy ("timed release") while the simple carbohydrates gives you immediate energy. It is recommended that you eat mainly complex carbohydrates throughout the day except after the workout where your body needs simple carbohydrates in order to replenish its glycogen levels immediately, something that will aid faster recuperation and rebuild of the muscle. Below is a list of good sources of carbohydrates:
Complex Carbohydrates:
There are two types:
1) Starchy: Oatmeal (1 cup dry), sweet potatoes (8 oz baked), potatoes (8 oz baked), rice (1 cup cooked), pasta (8oz cooked), corn (1 cup canned), peas (2 cups cooked). Each serving approximately equals 40-50 grams of carbohydrates.
2) Fibrous: Broccoli (1/2 cup raw), carrots (1 cup raw), cauliflower (1/2 cup raw), green beans (1/2 cup raw), lettuce (5 cups raw), mushrooms (3/4 cups raw), pepper (1/2 cup raw), spinach (3-1/2 cups raw), zucchini (1 cup raw). Each serving approximately equals 6 grams of carbohydrates.
Simple Carbohydrates:
Apples (1 apple), bananas (1 banana), grapefruit (1 grapefruit), grapes (22 grapes), oranges (1-1/2 orange), pears (1 pear), pineapple (3/4 of a cup).
Each serving approximately equals 20-25 grams of carbohydrates.
2) Protein
Every tissue in your body is made up from protein (i.e., muscle, hair, skin, and nails). Proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue. Without it, building muscle and burning fat efficiently would be impossible. Its importance is paramount. Protein also helps increase your metabolism every time you eat it by 20%! It also makes the carbohydrates timed release, so you get sustained energy throughout the day.
Everybody that is involved in a weight training program should consume between 1 gram of protein to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of lean body mass (meaning that if you are 100 lbs. And have 10% body fat, you should consume at least 90 g of protein since your lean body mass = 90 lbs.). Nobody should consume more than 1.5 grams per pound of lean body mass as this is unnecessary and the extra protein may get turned into fat.
Good examples of protein are eggs (I use Egg Substitute: 1-1/2 cups liquid), chicken breast (cooked, skinless and boneless: 6 oz), turkey (cooked, skinless and boneless: 6 oz), lean (90% lean) red meats (6 oz), and tuna (6 oz). Each serving size equals approximately 35-40 grams of protein.
3) Healthy Fats
All the cells in the body have some fat in them. Hormones are manufactured from fats. Also fats lubricate your joints. So if you eliminate the fat from your diet, then your hormonal production will go down and a whole array of chemical reactions will be interrupted. Your body will then start accumulating more body fat than usual so that it has enough fat to keep on functioning. Since testosterone production is halted, so is muscle building. Therefore, in order to have an efficient metabolism we need fat.
There are three types of fats: Saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated.
a) Saturated Fats: Saturated fats are associated with heart disease and high cholesterol levels. They are found to a large extent in products of animal origin. However, some vegetable fats are altered in a way that increases the amount of saturated fats in them by a chemical process known as hydrogenation. Hydrogenated vegetable oils are generally found in packaged foods. In addition, cocunut oil, palm oil, and palm kernel oil, which are also frequently used in packaged foods and non-dairy creamers are also highly saturated.
b) Polyunsaturated Fats: Fats that do not have an effect in cholesterol levels. Most of the fats in vegetable oils, such as corn, cottonseed, safflower, soybean, and sunflower oil are polyunsaturated.
c) Monounsaturated Fats: Fats that have a positive effect on the good cholesterol levels. These fats are usually high on the essential fatty acids and may have antioxidant properties. Sources of these fats are Fish Oils, Virgin Olive Oil, Canola Oil, and Flaxseed Oil. We like to refer to these type of fats as good fats.
Twenty percent of your calories should come from good fats. Any less than 20% and your hormonal production goes down. Any more than 20% and you start accumulating plenty of fat. The way that I get my fats is by taking 1 teaspoon of Flaxseed Oil three times a day (I put them in my protein shakes).
Good sources of fat are canola oil (1 tablespoon), natural peanut butter (2 tablespoons), olive oil (1 tablespoon), flaxseed oil (1 tablespoon), and fish oils (1 tablespoon). Each serving size contains approximately 14 grams of fat. Alternatively you can get these fats from good EFA products like Labrada's EFA Lean.
Water is by far the most abundant substance in our body. Without water, an organism would not survive very long. Most people that come to me for advice on how to get in shape, almost always underestimate the value of water.
Water is good for the following reasons:
1) Over 65% of your body is composed of water (most of the muscle cell is water).
2) Water cleanses your body from toxins and pollutants that would get you sick.
3) Water is needed for all of the complex chemical reactions that your body needs to perform on a daily basis. Processes such as energy production, muscle building, and fat burning require water. A lack of water would interrupt all of these processes.
4) Water helps lubricate the joints.
5) When the outside temperature is up, water serves as a coolant to bring the body temperature down to where it is supposed to be.
6) Water helps control your appetite. Sometimes when you feel hungry after a good meal this sensation indicates a lack of water. Drinking water at that time would take the craving away.
7) Cold water increases your metabolism.
In order to know how much water your body needs a day, just multiply your lean body weight by .66. This would indicate how many ounces of water you need in a day.
Sample Bodybuilding Diet For Men
Meal 1 (7 AM)
1 cup of dry oats mixed with water
1 cup of egg beaters
4 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold
Meal 2 (9 AM)
Meal replacement packet like Labrada's Lean Body mixed with water or a protein powder like Pro V60 (with around 40 grams of protein) mixed with 40 grams of carbs from cream of rice, grits, or oatmeal.
1 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (Spectrum brand is best)
Meal 3 (12 Noon)
1 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal
2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable
6-8 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish
4 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold
Meal 4 (3 PM)
Same as Meal 2
Meal 5 (6 PM)
1 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal
2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable
6-8 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish
4 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold
Meal 6 (8 PM)
Same as Meal 2
Recommended Basic Bodybuilding Supplements For Men
(Essential to take)
Definitely make sure that you cover at least the basics of supplementation which are a Multiple Vitamin and Mineral formula, 3 grams of Vitamin C split in 3 equal servings throughout the day, 200mcg of Chromium Picolinate, and essential fatty acids coming from either fish oils, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil, or Labrada's EFA Lean. Also, for convenience purposes a good meal replacement like Labrada's Lean Body or a protein powder like Pro V60 is a great way to add valuable calories and nutrients to your diet.
Performance Enhancing Supplementation
(Recommended for hard training bodybuilders who want to get the most out of their program}
In addition to those basic supplements, I would also recommend Creatine and Glutamine as these two supplements offer many of the same properties as anabolic steroids (such as increased recovery, increased strength, increased glycogen levels, enhanced immune system and higher nitrogen synthesis) without the side effects as they are not hormones. In addition, Nitric Oxide boosters may be of help as well. (Note: a product that conveniently has all of these items is the Super Charge! Xtreme).
Sample Bodybuilding Diet For Women
Meal 1 (7 AM)
1/2 cup of dry oats mixed with water
1/2 cup of egg beaters
2 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold
Meal 2 (9 AM)
Meal replacement packet like Labrada's Lean Body for Her mixed with water or a protein powder like Pro V60 (with around 20 grams of protein) mixed with 20 grams of carbs from cream of rice, grits, or oatmeal.
1/2 Tablespoon of Flaxseed Oil (Spectrum Brand is Best)
Meal 3 (12 Noon)
1/2 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal
2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable
6 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish
2 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold
Meal 4 (3 PM)
Same as Meal 2
Meal 5 (6 PM)
1/2 cup of brown rice, or medium sized baked potato, or 1 cup of oatmeal
2 cups of green beans, broccoli or any other desired vegetable
6 ounces of chicken, turkey, or lean fish
2 caps Labrada's EFA Lean Gold
Meal 6 (8 PM)
Same as Meal 2
Recommended Basic Bodybuilding Supplements For Women
(Essential to take)
Definitely make sure that you cover at least the basics of supplementation which are a Multiple Vitamin and Mineral formula, 3 grams of Vitamin C split in 3 equal servings throughout the day, extra Calcium (preferably calcium citrate for best absorption), 200mcg of Chromium Picolinate, and essential fatty acids coming from either fish oils, flaxseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or EFA Lean Body Gold. Also, for convenience purposes a good meal replacement or protein powder is a great way to add valuable calories and nutrients to your diet. For more information on this subject please refer to my article on Bodybuilding Supplementation Basics.
Hugo Rivera, CFT, SPN, BSCE, is a lifetime natural bodybuilder, multi-certified personal trainer, industry consultant and fitness expert who not only knows training and nutrition theory, but also applies it on a daily basis as evidenced by the fact that he's always in shape and by his awards and high placings at numerous national level bodybuilding competitions. He is also an internationally known best selling fitness author with a very successful franchise of books called "The Body Sculpting Bibles" which collectively have sold hundreds of thousands of copies.
Bodybuilding Diet and Nutrition Advice - Bodybuilding Nutrition and Diet Basics
How to Naturally accord with Candida Albicans (yeast) Moderate-High, iChange Nutritionist Linda Miner Video Clips. Duration : 8.50 Mins. iChange Registered Nutritionist Linda Miner explains how to naturally manage Candida Albicans with products such as probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano
Tags: probiotics, grapefruit seed extract, full spectrum enzymes, ground flax seeds, oil of oregano, ichange, registered nutritionist, Linda Miner