


Treating Vaginal Yeast Infection

Yeast infection or candidiasis is fungal infection that is commonly
caused by an organism called candida albicans. There is no scientific
evidence that yeast infection is a sexually transmitted disease. Women are
the ones affected from this kind of infection, although some men have
experienced yeast infection. The overgrowth of the Candida albicans
fungus is likely occurs quite harmlessly in the mouth, digestive track,
skin, bowels, and to your vagina.


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One of the most common symptoms of yeast infection to women is having
the thick and white removal from the vagina. Other symptoms of
infection to women includes, severe itching and burning of the vagina, painful
urination and intercourse, flush and swelling of the vulva, and
uneasines while or after sexual intercourse.

Treating Vaginal Yeast Infection

On the other hand, the indication of illness of yeast infection to men includes the
burning sensation of the penis and while intercourse, and severe
itching and pain.

Causes of infection

The causes of yeast infection includes: medicines that include steroid,
antibiotics, being diabetic, using birth control pill, hormonal charge
due to menstrual cycle or pregnancy, oftentimes wearing tight pants or
panty hose, and douching.


There are treatments available now such as over-the-counter-solutions,
the alternative and drug-free treatments.

You can use the over-the-counter medication for your strong medication
against the yeast infection. There are many anti-fungal vaginal
medications available to treat yeast infection. These medications are consists
of anti-fungal creams, anti-fungal suppositories, and anti-fungal
tablets. All of these medications are sold over the counter which requires
a prescription. The medication comes from whether applying the cream or
insert the suppository for one, there, or seven days depending on which
medication you have.

On the other hand, you can also have medication through natural
treatment. All you have to do is to look for acidophilus tablets to kill off
the yeast. There is also the natural yogurt available that contains live
acidophilus bacteria. You can apply this yogurt containing the
bacteria directly to your vagina. Other natural clarification includes Boric acid
or Borax, cranberries, garlic, hydrogen peroxide, potassium sorbate,
teatree oil, and Vitaklenz,

Dietary changes are also a great way in treating a yeast infection.
These includes eating fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, poultry, flax
seed, whole grains, vital fatty acids (olive oil and nuts); and
drinking fullness of water. You must also avoid drinking alcohol, eating junk
foods, animal fats, processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and white flour


Practicing a clean personal hygiene is still the best rehabilitation to from
having a yeast infection.

Among the first arresting of getting a yeast infection are: keeping
your vaginal area always clean, wearing underpants or pantyhose with a
cotton crotch and make sure to wipe after using the toilet; use your own
towels and washcloths; avoid using scented soap, bath oils, bubble
baths, deodorant soaps, feminine hygiene sprays, and perfume soaps; avoid
clothing that is tight in the crotch.

It is also known to growth the growth of yeast colonies in using
spectrum antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, Ampicillin, Bactrim, Ceclor,
Keflex, and Sepra.

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